Life has its hurdles. It’s not always a bed of roses and sometimes things can go south. You might get a sudden problem or an emergency that can really throw your life off balance. It’s therefore always good to be on the safe side and prepare for such un expected happenings so that incase the worst gets to the worst, you can land safely on your feet or get knocked down a bit but stay standing and get back up easily. Such unexpected happenings majorly affect these areas of our lives:
- Career
This includes a sudden job loss, long periods of unemployment, paying off school debts, paying school fees, and having to take a career break to study.
- Finances
This includes: job loss, unemployment, health issues, poor investments, poor business performance etc.
- Health
Unexpected health issues can always arise like cancer, accidents etc.
- Relationships
This covers all kinds of relationships from family to friends and marriages. These people are our support system but they might not be good for us at times. It’s always great to cultivate great relationships that are positive, mutual and supportive. Rather not toxic.
By knowing where you stand and preparing early or always being prepared, one can implement cushions and safety measures to counteract negative situations before they happen. You can do the following to survive and overcome problems troubles and toxic situations.
- Have an emergency fund
An emergency fund is a buffer that can save you in times when things are not going well financially. It’s always advisable to have at least 6 months of expenses saved up somewhere for the rainy day. You can save up more to cover any other emergency that can arise and unexpected payments.
- Have a side hustle besides your day job
A side hustle helps and can become your fulltime job if you are very passionate enough about it. Most successful businesses started out as hobbies. It also provides some extra income that can cover other expenses and help you save up quickly and do the stuff that you want without having to work forever to make your boss rich.
- Always have insurance especially health insurance
Health and other related insurance can help you cover large unexpected sums of money within the insurance policy incase what you insured against happens like a sudden illness, fire outbreak, job loss, etc. insurance always helps. But make sure that you are on the right plan.
- Cultivate good supportive relationships and friends
Good friends and relationships like friends, marriage and family offer different great kinds of support to us daily namely: emotional support, financial support, companionship, physical help, etc. With the right people around, you can grow, be well and happy. They act as a shield and a hiding place that protects you and supports you in all life’s problems.
- Eat well and healthy: take care of yourself
Health is wealth. A good mind and body is essential to overcoming all types of problems physically and emotionally. You are able to work and make sound right decisions at the same time. Besides you don’t want to have a big medical bill that comes with big illnesses as a result of poor health choices like smoking, alcoholism, and junk food. These can result in illnesses like cancer, liver and heart failure, blood related problems, and other bad health related diseases.
- Work hard. Save money. Avoid bad debt.
Hard work pays. A penny saved is a penny gained and debt will always slow your life down as you’ll be working for the person that owes you money. Make your payments on time and keep a very good credit score.
- Don’t marry the wrong person
When you marry someone, you are in it for life especially when you have kids together. Coming back home to a toxic selfish, greedy, abusive, self-centered, narcissist is the worst thing that could happen to you. However beautiful the home is. If there is no peace, it’s not worth the emotional pain, drain and constant drama that eats away your life and soul leaving you empty and drained. A partner should be supportive, your best friend, a person who loves you, nurtures you and helps you grow in all areas of your life. This should be mutual not one sided and toxic.
- Network a lot
Your network is your net worth. Who you know and the number or quality of relationships that you have can make or break you. High quality powerful people can help you in a phone call and help you climb the ladder, open doors or get out of a really bad situation. Make connections with great people and you can survive and overcome anything.
- Leave and go where there is growth
The maximum you can stay in a position is 3 to 5 years. If there is no growth or if you are not getting what you want it’s important to cut your losses and move to where you can grow and are very much appreciated. This also involves, toxic people, environments and relationships.
- Think long term not short term
We all get caught up in the moment of bliss or short term happiness and fail to plan for the future. Thinking long term will help you prepare for un seen emergencies and plan in order to grow. It also helps us plan and make the necessary changes to ensure and brighter future in order to achieve our goals and dreams. Like having an emergency fund, get the education, look for a better job, opportunities, ask for a raise or leave a toxic relationship. He who fails to prepare is always preparing themselves to fail.
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