Staying strong is a very special attribute needed by everyone to survive, overcome and navigate safely through this selfish and wicked world. Life is not a bed of roses. It has ups and downs. Situations and people of all sorts will come to test you. Your attitude and how you handle the things sent to test you will determine whether you make it or not. Evil is real and it operates through people and circumstance.
You always have to be an ever-ready soldier; fully armored up to tackle and face anyone or anything that would come against you, your loved ones, your destiny, etc. No one is a mind reader because if that were the case, it’d be easy to tell between enemy, frenemy or foe. People can try to cause you harm because of jealousy, envy, bad ego, evil mindset, idleness, bandwagon, fear, poverty, spite, or even their own miserable state. Misery really loves company.
We live in a world of materialism, shiny objects, bad competition and constant comparison against who has which and which: who’s doing better, and who’s shining more. This coupled with the above reasons is why one needs to become very strong especially if they are moving up in life.
You can stay strong in the following ways:
- Have faith in God
Evil is real and so is God. The darkness flees even in the presence of the slightest light that’s why demons will try to put out the light because they hate it. Evil operates through people so it can be anyone; family, friend, neighbor, etc. God can protect and guide you against all evil arrows. In Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 onwards, the bible advises us to put on the armor of God so that we can be able to withstand the schemes of the devil.
- Believe in yourself
Believe you can and you are already halfway there. Believing in yourself ignites a fire that no adversary can put out. People will try to break you before they can use you or put you down in any way using negative beliefs, manipulation, withholding stuff, leaving you out in the cold, turning people against you, blocking stuff, etc. They will do this to dim your light. But remember no one or devil in hell can curse what the lord has blessed. Also no one can make you feel inferior without your permission. Believe that you can and you will.
- Have a very strong support system
In this current state, it really helps to have a very good support system of family, friends, the law, insurance and money that can shield you against people who want to do you harm. In most cases; the people who want to destroy you will first come against these and if they can’t, they will try to first act nice in order to isolate you from the people or things that would help you through making you dependent on them, lies, gaslighting, manipulation and all kinds of narcissistic behavior. Be wary of people who try to isolate you from a good support system, they are wolves in sheep clothing.
- Be wise witful, and discerning
Wisdom and discernment can save you a ton of bad things and people in life since you can always see it coming and prepare a defense in time. You can keep your cards open while they are actually closed at the same time to play and fool the devil that thinks they are fooling you. Wise and discerning people are strong people that always win at life.
- Stay away from toxic miserable people
Misery loves company. Unhappy people will just want you to be as miserable as they are. Birds of a feather flock together always remember that.
- Hang out with strong people
Hanging out with good positive people who build you up, are on the same journey and not jealous of your success will keep you energized. Stay away of narcissists, jealous, envious, miserable and lazy people.
- Be financially stable
Get money the right way and stay financially stable as money is needed to have food, shelter and peace of mind. With money you can always get away from bad salutations and people.
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