Minimalism is the act of living a simple life. It involves freeing oneself from all that extra stuff and living only on what they really need to go about their daily life. Minimalism is practiced in all areas of life including:
- Consumerism
Here one buys to consume only those things that they need i.e., clothes, shoes, home stuff, food etc.
- Spiritual minimalism
This involves doing the inner work and getting rid of all that toxicity, trauma, emotional baggage, stress, psychological issues, fear so that you can live a free and happy life.
- Financial minimalism
This involves creating a budget, sticking to it and spending money only on what you need.
- Saves time
The less you have to take care of, maintain or worry about, the more free time you have to enjoy your life.
- Less clutter
Clutter are things that you have lying around that you don’t really use or need. These need to be cleaned and maintained as well, they take up more space and also attract vermin like rats, cockroaches etc.
- less stress
Minimalism in all its forms reduces or removes entirely the things you have to do or worry about leaving you stress free.
- more freedom
With less responsibilities comes the freedom in terms of time and energy to do things you find enjoyable while being free from meager petty stuff.
- Saves money
Money that would have been used to buy all that stuff can now be saved up for more important things like a house, insurance and retirement.
- less waste
Minimalism eliminates all that extra waste that pollutes the environment and degrades the planet.
- healthier life
Minimalists are generally happy people and this enables them to live healthy long lives.
- Stick to a budget
Create a budget and stick to it. Buy only the things you need.
- Declutter
Get rid of all that excess clutter and things that you’ve out grown, no longer need or don’t even use anymore.
- Focus on what really matters
Clear up your schedule and life and focus on only meaningful things that bring in the most results; that things that are really important and matter to you. Follow the 20/80 pareto principle.
- Quality over quantity
In everything you have and do; choose quality over quantity always. Quality lasts long and builds you up. Quantity is stress and more work.
- Buy only what you need
Avoid over consumerism and buy only what you need to use or have in the present moment. There will always be better and new things are being produced every day, every minute.
- Donate things you don’t need
Give out to charity those things that you don’t need and those that you’ve outgrown.
- Avoid hoarding
Stop keeping empty product packaging, and old things in your home to free up space in your life.
- Stay organized
Minimalist people are organized; they keep schedules of work and important daily tasks, they have clean organized homes and spaces, they have schedules for meals and daily life activities that are done within allocated time spaces.
- Avoid lifestyle inflation and trends
These will have you buying things that you actually don’t need to have. The media lies. The more useless products you buy, the more money you make for the manufacturers.
- Take care of things
They say that when you take care of things they last. Its true. Keep the things you have in pristine condition and you won’t have to always buy others. This also goes for your health, finances, relationships, work, etc.
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