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How to manage time effectively

Time is a very valuable resource that once lost cannot be got back. Everything we do runs on time and schedules that’s why it’s important to measure. Measuring and recording of time has been done for millennia now. In the past the ancients used sundials and hour glasses to measure time. With modern advancements and studies of the seasons and planets, we have developed modern mechanisms to measure and record time. We only get 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. That’s the time our planet makes a complete cycle in its journey around the sun in our solar system. Getting of topic are we.

Well, that was to clarify the importance of time. Individuals or businesses all have time for everything. Just as the bible says in Ecclesiastes 3.  Everything we do is done in accordance with time. Schedules are set for particular activities that have to be done in order to meet deadlines.

When time is managed well;

  1. We can achieve our goals and set deadlines
  2. We can work effectively and productively
  3. We can have spare time to do other things
  4. We avoid disappointments, losses and disruptions in schedules and work
  5. We become more productive and efficient

Managing time properly all boils down to ones’ habits and discipline. You must be willing to make it work. You must be willing to do what you set out to do even when it hurts or when you are feeling tired. It’s very hard in the beginning but it gets easier with time. As you build those habits and discipline, it all just becomes seamless.

 Manage your time effectively in the following ways

STEP 1. Set an alarm and reminders

Phones have in built alarms and there are a lot of task management and productivity apps on the market that one can use most of which are free.  Alarms wake you up in the morning or any time that you want. Reminders are often inbuilt in calendars or productivity apps. A notification appears prior a particular scheduled event so you get informed before so that you can do it.

STEP 2. Schedule and time table

Schedules and timetables help organize activities with the time they are supposed to be done. This can include; activity, time, date and even who is supposed to do what.

STEP 3. Do the hard things first

When it comes to doing things and getting them done in a timely way, it’s very important to do the hard things first. Eat the frog. This helps to avoid procrastination as we tend to postpone the hard things and do the easy things first. Once the hard things are out of the way, then it becomes very easy to do the rest of the work.

STEP 4. Have a to do list

To do lists are generally lists of activities that one has to do that particular day. Making a to do list first thing in the morning is a very effective of getting things and work done in that particular day. You can cross out and tick off every activity that you have got done upon finishing it.

STEP 5. Delegate activities to everyone

When it comes to group or team work at the workplace, it’s very important to delegate to everyone what they are supposed to do in a particular group activity to get it done in a timely manner. 

STEP 6. Follow up on deadlines

After the assigned time for a particular activity, it’s always very important to check upon the progress of the work and follow up to get it done before the deadline is due. This helps to avoid lag so that all activities or goals are achieved within the set time frame.

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