Making the right decision is not an easy thing to do especially when faced with a lot of options, fear of missing out, a short deciding time frame, ultimatums, deception, family influence, peer pressure and sometimes a lack of options.
You can get caught up between the devil and the deep blue sea deciding which route to take at the cross roads knowing well that whichever one you take will have an effect on the entire outlook of your life, business or anything. Decision making is done in everyday life. Everything we do or implement is a result of a decision made by someone or a group of people. The roads, the buildings, the house, the business, everything on the planet is a decision. Someone decided to build it, to make it, to start it.
In our daily lives: you decide to wear that, eat that, do that, marry him/ her, buy that car, choose that career, have that friend, live there etc.
Decisions are a result of our thoughts, situations, information we have, emotions, peer pressure, family influence, problems, time frames etc.
It’s important to put all factors in consideration, have a sound mind, the right information and people around to make the right decision in everything.
In order to make the right decision you need to;
- Get all the facts
Facts are actual proven information about something or someone got from the exact right source. Facts are accurate. They tell us what really is, what happened, what is actually expected based on actual data, statistics or proven information. With the facts on hand. One is able to make the right decision without having any doubt.
- Take time to think about it
When you take time to think about something without acting rationally or panicking in the midst of tough, chaotic, frustrating or daunting situations, you give yourself time to calm down, relax, think properly and analyse the situation well for the pros and cons in order to make the absolute right decision. This is very core important especially when making very serious life changing decisions or large business deals. It’s also vital in personal relationships after an argument to take time to think about something before acting irrational and making irreversible damage.
- Talk to a mentor/ experienced adult
Mentors and experienced people are those that have been there, gone through it thick and thin and know what is to be done. They also know what to avoid, how to analyse the situation, how to minimise damage, and everything that you need to do to go about anything. One can have mentors for all situations: relationships, careers, work, parenting, money, workouts etc. However it’s very important to only take advice from the right people and those that don’t lead you down a dark path or away from where you are actually heading. Even when taking advice, don’t just do something without thinking about its consequence. Everything that you do has to be positive and should help you grow, avoid bad situations and manifest your dreams.
- Know what you want
When you know what you want, and you stick to it, you are already half way there. You can then cancel out all the Nosie and distractions, focus and achieve all your goals and dreams. You can make only those decisions that will help you achieve what you want. Decision making thus becomes very easy.
- Trust your gut
We are made of body, soul and spirit. Our spirit can always know if something is off about something long before we bump into it. Your gut instincts can sense pick up on bad negative energy about literally anything: people, situations, places etc. However we are conditioned to ignore our gut and dismiss it out of the guise of overthinking it, looking for facts, outside influence or looking at our five senses. Your gut is always right. If it tells you that something is wrong about someone or a situation, always trust it.
- Pray to God about it
God is the ultimate power. The creator of everything. A prayer can help calm you and strengthen your beliefs. God answers prayers. He hears and sees everything. When we pray, we allow the divine to work on or behalf, remove obstacles and bring clarity in any situation.
- Ask around
This is core when getting into a new environment like a neighbourhood, a workplace or even joining a particular group. People around can give you particular details or pointers of how to go about stuff there. This guidance can help you move properly and avoid certain pitfalls. However make sure you get it from the right people and not the problem. Use discernment when necessary to filter information from both parties before making the right decision.
- Be emotionally mature
Emotional maturity will save you a bunch of pitfalls and bad situations in life. Emotionally mature people are able to make decisions with a sound mind rather than those based off emotions and what they are feeling in the moment. When angry, sad, worried we cannot make the right decision. It’s like turbulent water. However when all is calm, we are able to see everything Cleary and make the right choice. Practice emotional maturity and you’ll never be manipulated by anyone. It will be very difficult to run game on you. You can then make great decisions that will better and grow your life.
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