Well there is no specific formula to getting your life together. We all have different timelines, abilities and things that we can do to make it work. It depends on the person, where they come from, where they live, who they associate with, how much money or connections they have and lastly how hungry they are. A person born to a very rich family, to royalty or in a good country like Switzerland is already half way there since resources are readily available for whichever direction you want to take compared to a poor person or someone born in a third world country.
Despite all that. The world has changed and the limits are lessening. The internet has leveled the play field abit and you can learn any skills that can change your life free of charge. Transactions and most business is now done online therefore anyone can do something for themselves. In the end applied knowledge is power.
We all look at life differently and have different aspirations and needs in life. The world is also very competitive so there’s that. Back in the day success was looked at as having a big house, car, family and a white collar job. Those were the old status symbols. But the world has changed now and the new generation of the new rich sees life different. It’s all about freedom and happiness.
Wherever you are, whatever capacity you are in, you can make it work. Your dreams can come true. Getting your life together however takes some work, focus, sacrifice, dedication, patience, faith and a plan to follow so that you don’t waste time or miss out on the best seasons of your life. It’s good to wait but don’t wait, do it now. It’s more fulfilling and joyous to enjoy your success while still young than to become successful later in life with only few years to live. We only have one life. We get no second chances or the time that we’ve lost back. So just go for it.
Whichever process or whatever you do to get your life together, these are the areas to look at the following checklist.
- Where you work
This is your career and what you are doing for a living. Your job is where you get the money to make your dreams come true and to build your life up for most of the population. Unless of course you inherited something as a starting point. Choose your career well, do something that you love and the money will follow. Save and invest well and over time it will compound. It’s important to remember though that no job will ever make you rich. The world is also changing rapidly and computers are taking over; automation is entering every industry so be on the safe side. Work is also part of our life, it should be purpose fulfilling and a reason to wake up happy every morning not something to dread.
- Where you live
Where you stay determines the quality of your life and overall simplicity or difficulty in getting things done. Some areas are very limiting and devoid of opportunities especially in third world countries. But every country has good places with opportunities and others that are not good for any kind of growth like ghettos. Where you live determines which people you hang out with, the mindset, which friends you have, what you do, and who you will marry. Change where you live to change 90% of your life.
- Who you marry
Marriage is a partnership for life especially after you have kids you are then bound together forever. Even without kids, marriage should be with a good suitable compatible partner where you both support, support, love and cherish each other so that you grow. In most cases you also share values, likes and where need be you make it work to accommodate the other person’s differences. It’s one of the most important life choices one has to make. It’d be a nightmare to end up with an unstable selfish narcissist of a partner that will make your home and life a living hell. It’s important to recognize the red flags early on in the dating stages and make the right choice.
- Who your friends are
You cannot choose your family but you can choose your friends and inner circle. These are people that we hang out with who advise us and who are our companions in life. You are the company that you keep. Birds of a feather also flock together and bad company corrupts good people. You want to choose good people that will be constructive, helpful or help you grow.
- How you spend your time
Time is the most important resource that we all have. The clock moves forward not backwards. We cannot get back lost time. Spend your time on things that make life worth living and those that fulfill your purpose and those that make you happy.
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