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How to become smarter

As humans we have evolved brains that can do a lot of things if we put them to practice especially with our talents and what we are really good at. We all have our limits and even an elephant cannot climb a tree but according to Einstein…. We are all genius. Becoming smarter is a personal choice and anyone can do it in their desired craft or field of expertise if they really want to. However it takes some work and discipline especially if you not naturally gifted at something but that doesn’t mean that it’s not doable. You can become smart at anything: topic, subject, job, skill, or even craft.

You can become smarter in the following ways:

  • Read

Knowledge is power and reading books endows you with it so that you know what you have to about a particular topic or subject. This can then be applied in real life. Reading is the number one way for you to get smarter.

  • Practice

Applied knowledge is even more power. By studying something and applying it in real life, it becomes a part of you and that can never be taken away. It like learning to ride a bicycle or drive a car. Once you know you know. The same goes to learning and applying other topics like cooking, machine operation etc. Practice is what gives you experience which in turn makes you smarter.

  • Hang around smart people

Being around smart people or your mentors will make you smarter as you’ll learn from their knowledge and experience which will in turn make you a better person.

  • Eat well and healthy

A healthy body is imperative to becoming smarter. Physical health and fitness will enable you learn faster and have the energy that you need to practice all that you have learnt. It will also enable you become more active in your craft thus gaining more experience and becoming more and smarter.

  • Avoid toxic people and toxic environments

Toxic people and environments will corrupt, drain, destroy and lead you down the wrong dirty path. Such can also destroy your mental state and capacity to learn and grow. Besides that one can learn detrimental habits like smoking and alcoholism.  You cannot learn and become smart in a toxic environment and surrounded by people who wish you no good or who are no good at all.

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