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How to be confident

Confidence is being strong and firm in one’s belief of self, what they are doing, thinking or their abilities. A confident person can achieve what they set their mind to and stand their ground in the face of opponents, challenges and even adversity. Everything begins in the mind thus confidence is a mindset before its put into action. If you can believe it, you can achieve it.  This is true for everything that we do. Confidence is majorly shattered by:

  1. Fear
  2. Lack of support: financial, mental, physical
  3. Lack of preparation
  4. Lack of skill or knowledge
  5. Trauma and bullying
  6. Toxic environments
  7. Toxic people like narcissists
  8. Low self esteem

Becoming confident takes some work that’s done on a daily basis till snowballs you into a firm strong and confident powerful person. Working with confidence can help you achieve what you want to faster and it also makes you a stronger person. You can become more confident in the following ways:

  1. Believe in yourself and your abilities
  2. Face your fears. Don’t run from them
  3. Leave toxic environments and people
  4. Fake it till you make it
  5. Practice confidence everyday
  6. Heal from all your trauma and bad experiences
  7. Pray
  8. Ignore and say no to naysayers and haters
  9. Jump into the deep end. Put yourself out there.
  10. Read your daily affirmations
  11. Hang out with good confident people
  12. Listen to, focus on and feed your mind with positivity

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