We are all born different with different gifts, identities, characters and personalities. However as we grow up, we are molded by society to fit into its culture, norms and behaviors. We learn the language, study the same syllabus, work the same jobs and do what our ancestors did in order to live, survive and fit in. Despite all that assimilation, we all have unique abilities and qualities that are unique to us that when expressed, can make us fulfilled, happy and enable us reach our highest potential.
You can be yourself, act freely and express yourself and enjoy your life fully on your own terms in whatever society that you are in, at home and even the workplace. However it takes guts, courage and a high degree of self-confidence to act and express yourself free and be who you really are.
You can be yourself by doing the following
1. Be confident
You can only truly be yourself if you are confident in who you are, your abilities and what you are doing without the need for outside validation and cheer leading. That so, even if naysayers and haters come to shake you up, you can just ignore and let them waste time hating and scheming up to no further good.
2. Know the rules
Knowing and abiding by the rules can save you a big bunch of problems and trauma. If you aren’t doing anything wrong. Then you can be yourself in whatever way that you want as long as you don’t break the rules.
3. Know what you want
People that know what they want are not easy to control and manipulate. People that are unaware can always be side tracked, shaken up , enticed, lured and forced to do things that they don’t really want sometimes even under the guise of helping them. Then you are not free to be yourself and do what you want.
4. Know what you are doing
It’s easy to be yourself when you know what you are doing. It eliminates the pretense, paranoia and fear that what you are doing is wrong or that you don’t know what you are really doing. This will lower your confidence and self-esteem making you not to be yourself.
5. Be a step ahead
There is a confidence that comes in always being a step ahead of everyone. You can be happy and express yourself well knowing that your steps are secure and well defined.
6. Be financially free
The world and everything we do runs on money. Someone who controls your finances controls you because you need them and their money in order to live and survive. You then have to do whatever they want, dress how they tell you, show up on time, make reports and live in constant fear of the day you’ll lose your livelihood in case they fire you or stop offering that financial support. It’s modern day slavery seen in workplaces where bosses do whatever they want and marriages especially in third world countries where men treat women like trash because they are the providers. Become financially free to become totally free and only then can you really be yourself.
7. Move to a liberal country or place
We live in a big wide world. You are not really tied down to one place. Some countries and places have very limiting laws and regulations that can suffocate the life and joy out of anyone that’s living there. You cannot then be yourself or be happy. When you move where there is freedom, you can then be happy.
8. Have evidence
Document everything you do and you’ll have peace of mind. Make sure that you are doing the right thing and following the rules. This will make you happy and worry free in the conscious that nothing can really be used against you by anyone in any way. This mindset can then make you free to be yourself.
9. Have a good support system
A good support system can help you in times when things are not going well. The constant worry and fear of losing something can affect yourself esteem making you to act lowly than you would. It dims the light from within making you sad and gloomy. However with a good support system physically, emotionally and financially, you can then be worry free and free to be happy.
10. Have your own thing
Doing and having your own thing whether business, job, hobby, can save you the trouble of having to conform to anyone, follow their rules and do their bidding. It saves you from the prison of having to bend to anyone and truly be yourself. It sounds hard but it’s really possible and doable.
11. Stay away from toxic people
Toxic people will drain the life out of you, destroy yourself esteem and force you to be like them. This toxicity will in turn wash away your good values making you not to be who you really are.
12. Surround yourself with good people
Good people bring out the best in you, respect you, help you shine, support you and enable you be yourself.
13. Be flexible
As you be who you are, also try to be flexible and adapt to any situation because life is constantly shifting and changing.
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