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How to stay organized, motivated and productive

Staying organized and productive takes discipline and incorporating certain tasks and habits into our daily lives. The aim of doing this is majorly to help you reach a certain goal whose daily or periodical things you do that will eventually snowball and compound to produce that massive result that you want. Examples of such goals include:

  1. Regular dieting for weight loss or gain
  2. Regular workouts for muscle gain
  3. Reading and working hard to pass an exam
  4. Saving for a large expense like a house
  5. Reading regularly to pass an exam

To stay organized and productive you need to the following;

  • Find a coach or a mentor

Coaches or mentors have been there and know the dos and don’ts. They help guide you through the entire process to achieve your goals and dreams on a daily or any basis that you want.  Coaches have planners, guides and tutorials that can ease your process.

  • Find like-minded people and communities

Together with like-minded people, one can go really far in their journey. It increases motivation as one works together with other people. For example being motivated to go to the gym with your gym buddies or documenting your weight loss journey with like people doing the same.

  • Have an end goal and vision

With an end goal or vision in mind, one can calculate, know what it takes and take the necessary steps to achieve their goals and dreams. After knowing the steps, one can then organize their life and calendar to do what it takes to achieve their desired outcome on a daily basis

  • Have a daily to do list

A To- do list is a list of things or activities that one has to do or achieve in a particular day. It can be written down on paper or made using productivity mobile or desktop apps. A to-do list helps you keep track of what you are supposed to so each day thus measuring your progress on a daily basis and falling back on tasks or things that you are supposed to do to reach a particular goal.

  • Set calendar and  daily reminders

These help remind you of when, where and who is supposed to do a particular task. They also enable scheduling of activities for particular dates and times thus enabling you to be very productive and resourceful.

  • Be disciplined

Discipline involves doing what has to be done even if one feels tired or not in the moods of doing a particular activity. Discipline is what keeps you going not always the motivation. As one starts getting the results of their fruit, they can then get more motivation to work further.

  • Be focused

Focus takes eliminating all distractions and giving all your concentration and energy towards a particular task or activity. Remove everything that prevents you from working towards your goals or dreams so that you can laser beam on what you are supposed to be doing in order to manifest your goals and dreams.

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