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How to keep your home safe

Home is a house where we live every day. The definition varies from person to person but that’s what fits everyone. A home should be peaceful, secure, and safe and sound for anyone to live a comfortable and fulfilling life on top of being happy. Home is also where our family and belongings are kept and everything that is dear to us like a cat, a dog, plants and any other toys that you’d bought like cars, your bike or another favorite thing. It’s therefore important to keep your home safe to get that a sense of security and peace of mind in the comfort that your favorite things are safe and sound. Also to get comfortable and live happily in the house.

Keeping your home safe involves safety from different things and scares against which you must protect and insure your home which include the following:  

  • Fire

Things can catch fire and burn up leading to great loses. To prevent this have smoke detectors and fire extinguishers installed in the house. Also avoid anything that will cause fire accidents like careless cooking, bad wiring etc.

  • Thieves and burglars

Have security cameras installed and get secure doors. High tech security systems like biometric locks, alarm systems and sensors also exist on the market to bump up security at any premises.

  • Wild animals and predators

Always lock doors and have sieves or mesh installed in outlets to prevent smaller rodents and snakes from entering the house. Trees in very close proximity to the house should be trimmed to prevent other animals from climbing into the house. You can also use repellents and fences to keep the animals away. Also make sure that you maintain proper sanitation as these animals mostly come into the house for food. They can smell it from future away. Store unused food well.

  • Pests and vectors

Repellents can keep pests and vectors like mosquitoes away from the house. These can be electric or certain plants. It’s also important to keep food safely away that might attract insect pest into the house. Also have meshes in vents and windows to prevent them from entering the house.

  • Weather elements

Nature will always prevail so it’s always important to do maintenance around the house. To repair leaks, do the paint job, fix up cracks etc. A firm home is a safe and secure home. Leaks can damage the property and animals can use the cracks to enter the house. Make sure that the house is always in god condition.

  • Dangerous objects

Keep dangerous objects away from the house as they might cause irreparable damage to the property like explosives and very flammable liquids like gas. These even in small quantizes can catch fire and damage the property. It’s always important to have a small enclosure a distance away from the house where these can be safely kept without endangering the property.

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