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How to discern correctly

Discernment is the ability to read between the lines in order to get to the actual bottom or truth of something. It’s that Sherlock Holmes ability that enables you to unmask the truth in order to avoid negative consequences of any situation or interaction with people in our daily lives, relationships, workplace or travels.  Moving with discernment enables one to move with confidence and firm faith that they can overcome any obstacle that might come their way from their surroundings and interactions with people.

Here are 6 ways to help you discern correctly.

  • Trust your gut

We are made up of mind, body and at the core we are spirit. Our spirit has the ability to pick up on negative cues in the environment and immediate surrounding so if you feel deep down that something is not right about someone or a situation, it usually is. Always trust your gut and move with precaution.

  • Get facts over feelings and gossip

A fact is the actual truth about someone or something that is usually got through direct observation, examination or asking. Facts eliminate the dilution, exaggeration and lies that gossip can bring about something. Information from gossip is usually biased and cannot be entirely relied on during decision making. Where necessary, it’s important to listen to both sides and having enough data before making a decision about something.

  • Face it to know it

As mentioned prior, gossip and second hand information can give you biased results. When you face it and ask directly, you can get facts and this will help you discern a situation correctly.

  • Don’t ignore the red flags

If you take careful notice and observation, people and situations have a way of revealing who they really are early on subtly. For example a passive aggressive comment from a hater about your success,  a white lie that your partner gave an excuse for that you dismissed, a bad gut feeling about your environment, constant excuses and put downs from a friend or a boss etc. Don’t ignore the red flags. Get away or take preventive measures before the situation becomes dire.

  • Ask an older or experienced person

Older or experienced trusted people whether family or friends know what to do in most life situations because they have been there. They can guide you through the mess and help you maneuver what would have been otherwise catastrophic situations and people.

  • Put them on the test

Lastly the other way that you can discern someone or something is putting them to the test to see what they would do, what would happen or what reaction you would get when exposed to a minor inconvenience. It’s usually from small things that you can tell what would happen if the situation was bigger and also get the truth about what happened to get to the bottom of things.

 Hope you found this very helpful. Don’t forget to like share, subscribe and follow us on all social media platforms @ the life how to. Thank you.

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